
Social M League | 2021/22 Summer Registrations

Published Wed 06 Oct 2021

Social M League 2021/22 Summer Season Registrations are now open for both our Monday Night Mixed Competition at Netball SA Stadium and our Thursday Night Mixed and Men’s Competition at the Lights Sports and Community Centre.

We are excited to introduce a social Men’s specific competition in addition to our current mixed competitions.

Teams are asked to complete their registration using the link below. Summer Season at Netball SA is due to commence on Monday 18 October 2021 followed by The Lights on Thursday 21 October 2021.

Social Mixed Registration Link - Netball SA (Monday Nights) πŸ‘‡πŸ»

Social Men’s Registration Link - The Lights (Thursday Nights) πŸ‘‡πŸ»

Social Mixed Registration Link - The Lights (Thursday Nights) πŸ‘‡πŸ»

Any inquires can be directed to the competitions manager at

#socialmleague #summerseason